Europa Cinemas

Vortrag: Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape

Das Kino-Netzwerk Europa Cinemas vereint mehr als 1200 Kinos aus 40 Ländern. In regelmäßig stattfindenden Innovation Labs werden Experten und Expertinnen geladen, um in Workshops zukunftsweisende Kinothemen zu bearbeiten.

Auftrag & Umsetzung

  • Vortrag „Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape“
  • Konzept Gruppenarbeit / Workshop
  • Ergebnisanalyse

Das Innovation Lab wurde im Rahmen des Valladolid Film Festival durchgeführt.

After a short coffee break, Deborah Shirley Cohrs, Digital Communication and Marketing Consultant joined us from Germany via Zoom. An online format was suited for her presentation, ‘Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape’. Deborah offered clear and deeply knowledgeable insight into ways in which cinemas can develop their ‘digital touch points’ and help drive people towards their online channels. Covering some of the forefronts of the online landscape, including the much-discussed-in-the-Lab Tiktok, Deborah highlighted some simple solutions for marketing. These included setting aside an hour a week to plan your social media posts or to set a few KPIs for your marketing, like growing your newsletter subscribers or engagement on Instagram, so you can track your growth.

Europa Cinemas

Ähnliche Werke

European Arthouse Cinema Day Online Presentation


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Moderation: Panel zum Thema „Female Marketing“
